Thursday, December 22, 2011

Do I Change My Medication?

So for about 10 years I took Effexor for my depression. Then our insurance stopped covering the bulk of it and it would cost us about $200 per month. My doctor was great and just gave me samples until the drug companies stopped bringing them. I then switched to Prozac because I have siblings that have used it. I noticed no improvement and I was already too far down the pit so I went back in to the doctor. They gave me a second anti-depressant, Wellbutrin because it appeared that prozac only treated one out of three issues of depression.

So my question is this: Effexor has finally come out with a generic for Effexor and now it is affordable. But I am scared to go off my other depression meds so that I can get on Effexor? I just don't know if I can handle another episode of darkness but Effexor worked so good for me and I really think it gave me my best 'new' normal life.

Please, please share your thoughts and experiences that you have had with your meds!


  1. I'm going to give Sarah your blog info. She went off her medication after having McKenna. Only a few are approved for pregnancy and it was $250 a month without insurance. The doctor put her on Effexor now. Your (almost) miracle drug! He never made her go completely off her meds to start the Effexor. Just a small taper off (one week) and then starting the Effexor along with the old med. Tapering off the old some more while increasing the Effexor to her current dose. She never had to go into the pit. See what your doctor thinks. She was on Cymbalta during her pregnancy. As far as I know, it is similar to Welbutrin.

  2. Alan has been on Effexor with a small amount of Celexa at the same time, for years. It has worked the best for him. Both are generic now and still work great compared to others. I know how you feel about being afraid to switch. Alan is the same. He says he would rather die than have to change! Sarah went to Effexor because it worked for her dad!! I hope your doctor can help you change with the least amount of anguish.

  3. Like my mom said, I'm on the generic effexor right now and am liking for the most part. When I switched the Dr. gave me a week of a smaller dose of effexor to go along with my cymbalta and then the next week I stopped the cymbalta completely and started my full dose of effexor.. Those first two weeks weren't great but I could still function enough to get out of bed and do a few things. Some days that are worse I add a small dose of celexa and it helps pick me up a little.

  4. Suzy- after suffering and searching for 16 yrs, I finally listened to my doctor and admitted that what I had was not just depression. 3 years ago I was diagnoses with Bipolar disorder. I started on Lamotrigin (generic for Lamictal) and a small dose of Abilify- my doctor also kept me on Seroquel XR because it helped my insomnia and it gave me axiety to imagine not sleeping at all. At first I was very depressed and even suididal because as you stated I was in a pit- my other meds weren't working and the new meds needed time to work. Soon enough I started to feel better and I can honestly say I have never felt better in my whole life!! If you think that depression has a stigma trying dealing with telling people you are bipolar!! Wow! Talk about stigma!! I later tapered of the Abilify because it was extremely expensive I was nervous but it didn't effect me as much as I thought it would! I can see a huge difference in my life. For the first time in 5-6 yrs I baked goodies for Christmas with my girls AND I home-made/crafted 85% of my gifts. I feel motivated again and I don't feel the deep fatigue that I did previously. I also suffer with Fibromyalgia so I deal with those symptoms but it is easier because my depression doesn't have me in a choke hold anymore! I pray that you can find some relief and some answers! And always know that you are certainly not alone! (Sorry for the novel!!)
